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Finland: Engaged volunteers reach millions of people

The Finnish volunteer-based organisation FinnWID – Finnish Women in Development –wanted to raise awareness on human trafficking, particularly of women being trafficked from Nigeria to Europe. The campaign showcased a story about a female campaign activist and former victim of trafficking who now has asylum in Finland.

In their campaign, FinnWID created online learning material on human trafficking. They collaborated with a freelance journalist and organized workshops with students. For a relatively small project, the impact was huge.

Two million Fins
With a budget of 28 477 euros, 30 volunteers and one part-time campaign coordinator, they managed to reach 2 million Finns (population 5,5 million) and contributed to changing the narrative about human trafficking in Finland.

Highly committed volunteers were engaged in designing and implementing the project activities. One of the project activities was to train and engage a group of 30 volunteers to campaign on the topic of the project. Volunteer activists organized events independently, contacted the media and acted as ambassadors for the cause. The volunteers were engaged and many of them kept volunteering and campaigning even after the project ended.

Video: Campaign activist and former trafficking victim Itohanin Tarina